EVMAPA.cz - nabíjení na dotek

Platební, informační, dohledový a navigační systém pro svět elektromobility. Přehledná mapa nabíjecích stanic s možností okamžitého nabíjení Vašeho elektromobilu.

Chcete podpořit rozvoj elektromobility v Česku? Připojte se k nám a staňte se provozovatelem vlastní nabíjecí stanice.

Tagy: Mapa nabíjecích stanic pro elektroauta v České rebublice, mapy dobíjecích stanice pro elektromobily. Rychlodobíjencí stanice, rychlonabíjecí stanice, rychlodobíjení, rychlonabíječka, rychlonabíjení, CHAdeMO, CCS Combo 2, Menneks, Typ1 Typ-1, Typ2, Typ-2, elektromobil je auto na elektřinu, hybridní auto, hybrid, Plug-in elektroauto, mapa nabíječek a nabíječky v ČR, plugin hybridní vozidlo Přímá platba která je  pro plug in hybridy, přímé platby zaplatt nyní, placení za nabíjení


Direct Payment - New Feature

From June 2017, both new and current users are able to use Direct Payment as an option for one-time charging. No registration is required, you simply pay for one sigle charge session and only fairly for the exact amount of charge.

10.6.2017 12:30 Admin

New Chargepoints

We installed two more of our own chargepoints In the 4th quarter of 2016. Both include ChaDeMo and 22kWh Mennekes connectors and are situated close to highways. One is in Olomouc, allowing routes to Ostrava and the second is in Kunovicerouting to Žilina.

11.12.2016 14:02 Admin

New Tariffs - FCP (discount)

(Fair Charging Policy)

Today we began using our new tariff structure. Since it isn't legislatively possible to sell grid power charged by kWh, new tariffs were added. We still enable tariffs by time, kWh, and one-time charge sessions or combinations thereof, depending on the operator's needs. You can find more info in the help section about our new time-based tariff with FCP discount.

11.8.2016 13:59 Admin

DBT Troubsko Chargepoint Video Tutorial 

8.2.2016 14:05


New Web Interface Online

29.1.2016 17:05



Today we added a call-to-charge feature for all registered users. All active chargepoints in the Evmapa system can now be activated simply by calling a phone number (toll-free).

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